To get perks, you need to spend gold in MultiVersus — at least, if your primary character can’t learn the perk through leveling up. Every character can earn default perks by leveling, but each character’s default perks are different. If you want to unlock every perk for every character, there’s a way to make that process a whole lot cheaper. You’ll just have to spend some gold to get it done.
Before buying any perks for your character, you’ll probably want to test them out. And you can do that! By playing in Local Multiplayer, you’ll have all perks and characters unlocked automatically. You can test with friends in local versus or against bots. Many players haven’t figured out that you can test every character and perk before dropping gold or real money into the purchase. Keep this in mind before pulling any of the tricks in this guide!
More MultiVersus guides:
Best Perks You Need To Unlock | Best Finn Builds | What Does Toast Do? | PVP Rewards Guide | How To Play Local Multiplayer | Couch Versus Guide | How To Get Gold & Glemium
How To Get Perks Cheaper | Perk Discount Guide
Normally, perks cost 150 Gold to purchase on your character. Perks aren’t universal and have to be trained on your specific character — if you purchase a perk for Batman, you can’t use that perk for Superman. But there is a benefit to buying perks. If one character knows a perk, all other characters can purchase that same perk at a discount.
- If you purchase the Triple Jump Perk for Finn, it costs 150 Gold. You now have the perk permanently unlocked for Finn only.
- If you want to purchase the same Triple Jump Perk for Jake, or Velma, or Harley Quinn, it will now only cost 100 Gold for each of those characters. That’s an instant 50 gold saving.
To make this even cheaper, every character has specific perks they will unlock as they level up. If you unlock a perk through leveling up, that perk will be discounted when purchased on other characters. Leveling up multiple characters can help save!
- The Basics: Perks you’ve earned for one character apply a 50 Gold discount to that same perk for all other characters.
If you purchase every perk on your main character, every perk in the game will not only cost 100 Gold to apply instead of 150. That’s just how it works. Managing perks can seem daunting, but at least there’s one way to save some of your valuable gold.