In the Final Chapter of Live A Live, you’re stuck in an abandoned nation that’s flooded with demons. If you want to survive for long, you’ll need to collect party members. They’re scattered all over the map, and not all of them are easy to unlock — Cube requires a specific item, and Sundowner has to be convinced. There are 7 Party members to find total (one of them can only join if you select him at the start) and we’re going to detail how to get them all.
Not all party members are created equal. Some of the best party members are Oboromaru the Shinobi, the Shifu’s Disciple, Cube the Robot, and Pogo the Caveman. All the characters are good and have powerful skills they’ll unlock at Level 16. I recommend exploring the area, collecting everyone you can, entering the Trials to get ultimate weapons, and working your way up to (at least) Level 20. If you can do that, you’ll be well-prepared for the final boss.
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Where To Find All Party Members In The Final Chapter
Depending on which character you select at the start of the chapter, you’ll begin in a different location. All characters can be found at their specific locations — check the following areas to recruit each of the 7 available party members. Oerstred will only be available if you select him first. He will not appear as an unlockable party member.
- Oboromaru: Found near the entrance to the Forbidden Land. He’ll ambush you and attack. Defeat him and he’ll join you.
- Akira: In the Condemned Village, on the left side. Just outside the trial door — or what was previously Uranus’s house.
- Masaru: In the castle dungeons. Enter the Seat of the Betrayers castle and go left. Enter the room and down the stairs to find him in a cell.
- He’ll join you after a fight! Unless you’re Sundown or Cube, then he’ll join without fighting.
- Cube: On the castle balcony. Enter the Seat of the Betrayers and go toward the king’s throne room. Up the stairs, go down to reach the balcony. Look on the right side in the shadows.
- To get Cube to join, travel to the peak of the Last Hero’s Grave. Reach the top level before the peak itself and search the snow on the left side of the map — look for a glowing green marker. The item name will be different depending on what character you take first.
- Disciple of Shifu: At the peak of the Last Hero’s Grave. Found standing over the grave. Talk to him and he’ll join your party.
- Can be one of three characters. Depending on who you trained most in the Imperial China Chapter, they will survive and progress as the new Shifu.
- If you’re trying to recruit Sammo, you’ll need to give him food items. Keep giving him food items until he’s satisfied — different food items seem to fill him up faster than others.
- Sundown: Found at the hermit’s shack on the Last Hero’s Grave mountain. He’s to the left of the shack where Hasshe once lived. Interact and he’ll leave.
- Sundown travels to multiple locations. You’ll need to follow him to each location and interact. He’ll walk away — check the following locations to recruit him.
- 2: In the first area (from the entrance) of Hero’s Grave mountain, travel to the high ledge in the upper-right corner of the map.
- 3: Next, he’ll stand beside the sign south of the Seat of the Betrayers castle.
- 4: Inside the throne room.
- 5: From the throne room, check the bedroom on the left.
- 6: Finally, just outside the castle in the village.
- Pogo: Located in the far south of the central region. Travel across the bridge and into the Silent Forest. Near the entrance in the center of the map, go down to the semi-hidden Balmgrass grove. Pogo is found here.
- Pogo will hide in the grass three times. Find him, then defeat him in battle to get him to join you.
What happens if you recruit more than four characters?
If you recruit more than four, you’ll be asked if you want one party member to leave. If a party member leaves, they’ll return to the spot you recruited them from. Go back and you’ll be able to talk to them and have them join you again. Make sure to unequip all items before removing a party member from your party — they’ll keep everything when they leave.