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The young Spark Knight returns, just in time for the new Golden Apple Archipelago adventure! Klee was Genshin Impact’s first limited time character and so far, the only one to have three banners. Adorable, adventurous, and wildly destructive, Klee is a Pyro Catalyst character who manifests her Pyro energy as bombs. And yes, you can use her bombs to make fish explode. It makes them much easier to collect.
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If you’re thinking about pulling for Klee, make sure you try her trial run and have a team in mind for her to join. Despite her apparent prominence in the game’s stories and events, Klee isn’t the strongest character out there. So before pulling, make sure you want her!
Best Unit Category: Main DPS or Support
Only use Klee as a Support if you have her at C2 and up. Otherwise, she functions better as a Pyro DPS. That being said, any team built around Klee should fully take advantage of her Pyro damage and Pyro Elemental Reactions.
Despite being a Catalyst user, Klee has a short attack range. You need to use her differently than you would for Yanfei, so keep that in mind. Klee’s DPS build should focus on boosting her elemental Reaction DMG. Any artifacts on Klee should focus on ATK%, Pyro DMG, and the CRIT stats.
Klee’s Support build is one of the most interesting in all of Genshin Impact. Once you activate her second Constellation, she becomes an off-field Support aimed at lowering enemies’ defense. The Support build also relies on Klee’s Elemental Skill, so any artifacts on her should have the same stats as her DPS ones. It’s convenient for anyone transitioning Klee from Main DPS to Support!
Best Weapons
5 Star – Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds or Skyward Atlas
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds is the best Catalyst for Main DPS units – and one of the best Catalyst weapons in the game. Its main stat boosts CRIT Rate percentage. Its passive Skill increases the character’s Movement SPD by 10%. When in battle, the character gains an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus every 4 seconds, with a max stack of 4. So the character wielding Lost Prayer can have their Elemental DMG boosted by 32% over 16 seconds, with a 10% boost to Movement SPD. These stats end when the character falls or gets swapped out.
For Klee’s Support build, the Skyward Atlas is a better choice. Its main stat boosts the character’s ATK by a percentage. Its passive skill increases Elemental DMG by 12% and grants a 50% chance for a Normal Attack to lock onto enemies and deal 160% ATK DMG. As a Catalyst user, Klee only deals Elemental DMG and in her Support build, she’s meant to be swapped out constantly. Skyward provides her with the chance to do some extra damage.
4 Star – The Widsith of Sacrificial Fragments
The Widsith boosts CRIT DMG by a percentage. Its passive skill provides the character a song every 30 seconds, with each song boosting a different stat. First, ATK is increased by 60%. Then, Elemental DMG is increased by 48%. Finally, Elemental Mastery is increased by 240. Since Main DPS units are meant to stay on the field for a while, this allows Klee to build up songs for her stats.
If you manage to C2 Klee and use her as a Support, then Sacrificial Fragments is a better choice than The Widsith. Sacrificial Fragments has Energy Recharge as its main stat, which is best for keeping Klee’s Elemental Burst as full as possible.
3 Star – Twin Nephrite
Twin Nephrite boosts a character’s CRIT Rate by a percentage. Its passive skill boosts Movement SPD and ATK by 12% after the character defeats an enemy. Much like The Widsith, Twin Nephrite operates best for characters who are meant to be on the field for a longer amount of time.
Best Artifact Sets
4 PC Crimson Witch of Flames
Overall, 4 pieces of the Crimson Witch of Flames set is best for Klee. This applies to both the Main DPS and Support build. Two pieces of the Crimson Witch provide a 15% Pyro DMG Bonus. At four pieces, the set increases Overloaded (Pyro + Electro) and Burning (Pyro + Dendro) DMG by 40%. It also increases Vaporize (Pyro + Hydro) and Melt (Pyro + Cryo) DMG by 15%. Additionally, whenever the character uses an Elemental Skill, the Pyro DMG Bonus gets boosted by 50% for 10 seconds. This can stack up to three times.
Basically, the Crimson Witch boosts everything that you need boosted for Klee. If you’re building Klee as a Main DPS, make sure to include Elemental Mastery substats. If you’re going for the Support build, you can just focus purely on offensive stats.
2PC Crimson Witch of Flames and 2PC Gladiator’s Finale
The two Crimson Witch pieces provide a 15% Pyro DMG Bonus while the two Gladiator pieces boost ATK by 18%. Since the Gladiator set is generally easier to get than the Crimson set – Gladiator or Wanderer’s Troupe usually drop when you fight bosses – this is probably the easiest set to throw together.
4PC Lavawalker
Lavawalker is the other set geared towards Pyro characters. At two pieces, Lavawalker increases Pyro RES by 40%. At four pieces, it increases DMG against enemies affected by Pyro by 35%. Crimson Witch is definitely the better set, but if you happen to have Lavawalker pieces on you, it’s a good substitute as you get farming.
Best Partners
Klee works best with characters that react with Pyro and can group enemies to compensate for her short range. Venti and Kazuha are great for grouping enemies and because they’re Anemo characters, they will always create a Pyro Swirl with Klee. Both also have good Energy Recharge rates, so they can provide a constant Anemo field for Klee.
Other good partners include Mona and Diona, who create a Vaporize and Melt reaction with Klee, respectively. Mona provides more offensive support while Diona has the advantage of Shields and Healing.