Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- Chapter 1: Inside the Wall Scratch Spot
- Chapter 2: Dead City Scratch Spot
- Chapter 3: The Flat Scratch Spot
- Chapter 4: The Slums Scratch Spot
- Chapter 5: Rooftops Scratch Spot
- Chapter 6: The Slums Part 2 Scratch Spot
- Chapter 7: Dead End Scratch Spot
- Chapter 8: The Sewers Scratch Spot
- Chapter 9: Antvillage Scratch Spot
- Chapter 10: Midtown Scratch Spot
- Chapter 11: Jail
- Chapter 12: Control Room

Stray is an excellent cat simulator. The game’s mechanics allow players to embrace their inner feline with the dedicated “meow” button as well as the other cat-specific activities you can do scattered across the game such as nuzzling up to other cats and robots, slinking through tight spaces, and, of course, scratching things.
The “Territory” trophy asks the player to “scratch in every chapter” which means that players will need to keep their eyes peeled for the spots where they can start scratching. If you know where to look, they aren’t too tough to find, but they’re easily missable if you don’t have your eyes peeled for all 12 chapters.
More Stray guides:
| How Many Chapters Are in Stray? | No More Lives Trophy Guide | Chapter 3: The Flat Battery Locations | Productive Day Trophy Guide | Boom Chat Kalaka Trophy Guide | Where to Use the Poncho | All Sheet Music Locations – Meowlody Trophy Guide | Curiosity Killed the Cat Trophy Guide | How to Find the Police Badge |
Chapter 1: Inside the Wall Scratch Spot

The scratch spot in Chapter 1 is right at the start when you get full control over your cat. Complete the initial cat greetings when you’re holed up during the storm and then watch the cutscene where you and your fellow cats make your way down to the ground. Follow the main path and after you’ve jumped up the second ledge, the scratch tree is immediately to your left.
The first spot is tough to miss because one of your cat friends should already be there going to town on the tree. Interact with the tree using the triangle button and start scratching with the triggers.
Chapter 2: Dead City Scratch Spot

Chapter 2 sees your cat wandering the deserted streets of the city in search of help. After following the main path, you’ll come across some messages of help in the form of neon signs and TV screens. Once you get to the spot where you knock paint cans off the ledge, you’ll be coming up on the second scratch spot.
Knock the blue paint can off the roof, breaking the glass below. Once you jump down through the broken window, you’ll find yourself in a bedroom with a bunk bed. Both of the rugs inside are able to be scratched. Interact with them and then scratch away.
Chapter 3: The Flat Scratch Spot

The scratch spot for Stray‘s fourth chapter, the Flat, is located at the very start of the level. Chapter 4 starts right when you enter the apartment with warm, orange light and the scratch spot is in the second room that you’ll enter as you follow the critical path.
Before you start typing on the keyboard, you’ll find the rug scratch spot to the right of the door where you entered in a small kitchenette area. Give it a scratch, then jump onto the table in the other half of the room and start typing.
Chapter 4: The Slums Scratch Spot

The scratch spot in Chapter 4 is pretty easily missable if you don’t have your eyes peeled for it. Follow the critical path of the game until you start encountering robots who start running away from you. Continue along until you meet the Guardian, a robot who holds a spear that tells you you’re welcome in their town as long as you don’t hurt anyone.
After talking with the Guardian, a garage door will open up behind him and reveal a handful of robots wearing shawls. In front of them is the fourth scratch spot, another rug. Walk into the center of the group of bots and scratch to your heart’s content. There are a lot of scratch spots littered throughout the Slums, so this isn’t the only spot, but it’s definitely the easiest.
Chapter 5: Rooftops Scratch Spot

As soon as you get the Chapter 5 transition screen, you’ll be standing on a rooftop right next to a rug. Give it a scratch and then be on your way.
Chapter 6: The Slums Part 2 Scratch Spot

Because you’re back in the Slums for Chapter 6, you have access to all of the same spots as you did in Chapter 4. Because you start the chapter in Momo’s apartment, you’ll find a scratch spot right at the start in the form of one of Momo’s rugs.
Chapter 7: Dead End Scratch Spot

There’s only one scratch spot in Chapter 7 (that I was able to find) so you’ll need to make sure that you find it otherwise you’ll need to replay the chapter for the trophy. The spot is in Doc’s lab. After you run through the Zurks and make it into the lab, Doc will tell you all about a way to fight back against them. Instead of following him around his house, head to the lowest level and find the scratch spot on the wall next to his work desk.
Chapter 8: The Sewers Scratch Spot

Similar to Chapter 7, I believe there’s only one spot in The Sewers that if you miss you’ll need to replay. The scratch spot here is in the sewer area after you hack the two terminals to open the door. Head up the stairs after getting through and you’ll find a small piece of cardboard for you to scratch up.
Chapter 9: Antvillage Scratch Spot

There are a lot of different places to scratch up in Antvillage. There are couches and rugs scattered all over the place, but the first and easiest to find is located as soon as you enter the village. B-12 will say that he’s not in the mood to talk after a story revelation and the first room you enter will have a spot on the wall next to two robots sitting on a bunk bed.
Chapter 10: Midtown Scratch Spot

Because Midtown is such a sprawling chapter, there are a lot of spots for you to find to scratch up. The first can be found as soon as you enter town. You’ll pass by Peacemaker 22106 on your way up some stairs right as you make it into the town. On your right, you’ll notice a small room with a robot sitting on a couch reading a book. Walk up to the couch and you’ll be prompted to give it a scratch.
Chapter 11: Jail

After you get captured and locked up, you won’t run into a scratch spot until the end of the chapter. Luckily, to move on to the next chapter, you can’t miss this spot. After locking up the sentinels, you’ll find yourself in an area with a small car. You’ll need to scratch its driver’s side door to progress the story which also counts towards the trophy. As I said, you can’t miss this so don’t worry about keeping your eyes peeled as you avoid the sentinels.
Chapter 12: Control Room

There are a handful of scratch spots littered throughout Chapter 12, however, there are several that are required to continue the story and finish the game. The first comes when you need to coordinate with B-12 to open a locked door going into the Control Room. You’ll have the bot hack a terminal that opens a panel for you to destroy some wires with your claws. If you’ve done all the rest of the scratch spots in the game, the trophy will pop here.