Neon White still has one last Mission following Mission 11- Thousand Pound Butterfly, this is the last mission with Gifts for you to collect. These collectibles that you can find through just about every level of the speedrunning title can be given to NPCs at the hub area of Central Heaven. Collecting each of these Gifts as well as giving them to their respective character will grant you access to the game’s True Ending. If you’ve made it this far, it’s time to wrap up this series of guides! This guide will explain how to get all the gifts in Mission 11 – Thousand Pound Butterfly in Neon White.
More Neon White Guides:
Neon White: How to Unlock the True Ending | Neon White: Not Very Effective Achievement Guide | Neon White: Bloody Knuckles Achievement Guide | Neon White: How to Unlock Level Rush Mode | Neon White: How to Get the Mimic Achievement | Neon White: How to Get and Give Gifts | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 1 – Rebirth | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 2 – Killer Inside | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 3 – Only Shallow | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 4 – The Old City
How To Get All Gifts In Mission 11 – Thousand Pound Butterfly In Neon White
There are a total of 10 levels that you will play through in Neon White‘s Mission 11 – Thousand Pound Butterfly. In order to collect the Gifts for each mission, you will first need to reach Insight Level 1 for that mission. Insight is gained by achieving specific Medals with each Insight Level giving a new bonus, like Hints to improve time and the ability to see your best previous run as a ghost. Even if you get the worst medal, Bronze, you’ll reach Insight Level 1, meaning that you will just need to finish a level one time and then replay the mission to get the Gift. With that out of the way, let’s begin the guide for the second chapter of Neon White.
Level 1: Spree
Mission 11 introduces the most powerful card in the game: The Book of Life. This card allows you to instantly dash to any demon, chest, or barrel in your line of sight. This is an important part of every level in this mission and will also be necessary for getting many of the Gifts throughout the mission. The first Gift found in Level 1 is a prime example of this. You are going to need to reach the very end of the level

Level 2: Breakthrough
Right at the start of the mission, you will grab a Fireball card from a nearby chest. Instead of using its dash ability through the red floor, use the dash to use the balcony that is seen against the wall that you can see from the start of the level. This will lead you directly to the Gift.

Level 3: Glide
This Gift is found near the start of the level right after you use the Book of Life on a yellow demon and a petal demon. After being launched by the petal demon, you will have an Elevate card and will see a Guardian demon across a large ravine. After dashing to the Guardian with the Book of Life, switch to the Elevate and use the card’s double jump to reach the rooftop on the right, which is where you will find the level’s Gift.

Level 4: Closer
You will find this Gift on top of the first skyscraper in a set of them found near the end of the level. To reach the top you are going to need to get some ammo for your Dominion rocket launcher. The way that I suggest you do this is to not zipline to the first skyscraper and instead use a rocket jumps along the wall to reach the chest on the platform. Inside the chest you will find another Dominion card, so not only do you get some extra ammo but you now also have a card to use a zipline. Go to the next building with a zipline and get another card from the chest and then use another zipline to reach the next building that has another Dominion as well as a Mimic. From here turn around back to the first skyscraper, as seen in the second image below and zipline over to it. Use the ammo you have collected to rocket jump up the wall all the way to the roof and collect the Gift.

Level 5: Hike
At the start of Level 5, you will pick up a Dominion card that you are going to want to rocket jump up through the hole on the ceiling and get the Elevate card from the nearby yellow demons. From the demon, look to the left to see a tall building off to the side of the course. Use the zipline of the Dominion card as well as your Elevate card to reach the rooftop and collect the Gift shown in the image below.

Level 6: Switch
Arguably the easiest Gift that you can get in the entire game. Right at the start of the level, you will be prompted to jump up onto a green petal of a petal demon to progress. Instead of doing this, jump into the black petal opposite of the green one to be launched backward and into the Gift that is floating in the air behind where you start.

Level 7: Access
Progress through Level 7 until you come face to face with a red wall with a series of tripwires surrounding it. Take the intended path to destroy these tripwires until you reach the vending machine where you pick up two Fireball cards. Use one of those cards to get through the nearby wall and destroy what should be the last tripwire to progress through the door. Once through here, you kill a yellow demon and get an Elevate card, but make sure you hold onto your Fireball card. Behind the demon is a floating structure with a red floor. Use your Elevate card to get under the structure and then use the Fireball’s dash ability to get into the building and collect the Gift.

Level 8: Congregation
Near the end of Level 8, you will need to cross the upper part of the structure that you start the level in. You will need to use the Book of Life to dash into several Guardians as well as two blue demons. When you have at least one Godspeed card, make your way to the wall to the right of the area and dash with the Godspeed to reach the top of the wall. Make your way along the wall to reach the platform shown in the first image down below. The platform is where you will find the Gift for the level.

Level 9: Sequence
Right from the start of the level, you will dash into a chest with the Book of Life card and collect an Elevate card. Instead of using the card to jump to the next floor, go to the left of the platform you are standing on and use a sloped ramp to get to the upper level instead. Next, make your way through the first two sets of triple doors and then immediately turn around. From here you should be able to see a collection of tripwires as well as the Gift in a small room behind a window. Destroy the tripwires and then make your way back through the passage that you came through. You should be able to enter the room with the Gift with no risk of any tripwires and collect it.

Level 10: Marathon
Just as this 10th and final mission is the longest level in the entire game, the Gift here also has a very long process in order to collect it. The first step is to reach the end of the course and then look at the waterway behind the Book of Life that acts as the level’s finish line. At the top of the waterway is a Green hand under an archway that you can interact with to make another course just like all of the other Gifts tied to Neon Green. This path is long and requires you you use a variety of different card abilities like multiple Fireball and Elevate cards as well as the Book of Life card.
You will eventually reach a landing with many Dominion cards. Use these cards to rocket jump up the wall of the tall tower shown in the middle image below. Once at the top, use your Book of Life card to reach a pair of Balloon demons and then zipline to a nearby floating island with another green hand to be teleported to a new area. Complete the new course by following the giant Neon Green and then collect the Strange Coin Gift to get the last Gift in Mission 11 as well as the last Gift in Neon White!

More Neon White Guides:
Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 5 – The Burn That Cures | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 6 – Covenant | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 7 – Reckoning | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 8 – Benediction | Neon White: How to Get the Clockwork Achievement | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 9 – Apocrypha | Neon White: How to Get All Gifts in Mission 10 – The Third Temple