For players looking to really dig deep into Diablo Immortal, there’s an interesting PVP meta brewing under the standard Diablo surface. For players really looking to work together as a community, there are new Factions you can join. There are three factions: Adventurers, Shadows, and Immortals — and this is where the true hardcore endgame content begins. Becoming an Immortal is about becoming the best in PVP combat, and those that manage to reach the top of the leaderboards will also access unique content. An exclusive raid is waiting for The Immortals clans, and while most of us will never get this far into the PVP side of things, it is still fun to look at. Here’s a quick overview of how your clan can join the Immortals faction and all the benefits you’ll get from that.
The PVP side of Diablo Immortal is where all those in-game transactions become important. F2P / low-spending players can easily handle the story without too much grinding. Endgame content can even be played by dedicated F2P players, but we’ve yet to see what the economy will be like for joining the Immortals faction. In all likelihood, you’ll need to drop some cash to compete with the big-time players — we’ll have to wait and see how it all shakes out in the long run, but Beta players seem unconvinced you’ll be able to join the Immortals Faction without dropping some real-world cash.
You can download Diablo Immortal for free now on iOS and Android.
How To Join The Immortals Faction | Dark Clan Progression Guide
NOTE: This guide is a general overview of the intended path toward becoming an Immortal. You won’t learn how to become a PVP God-Tier player here. Not yet anyway.
Joining the Immortals faction in Diablo Immortal is the most challenging task in the game. To do it, you’ll need to become one of the top players on your server, then defeat the OTHER top players on the server in PVP. Let’s start with a quick overview of how you actually join the Immortals.
- Joining The Immortals | The Basics:
- Start a “Dark Clan” — a Dark Clan is an opt-in feature that can be activated at any time. As a Dark Clan, you will join the Shadows Faction. You now can work toward your goal of taking down the Immortals and replacing them.
- The Shadow Clans must compete with one another to progress.
- Shadow Clans progress by earning ranks, Eternal Crown levels, playing the Path of Blood event, or completing Contracts — the Path of Blood and Contracts are exclusive to the Shadows Faction.
- Shadow Clans compete in the following events: Akeba’s Challenge, Path of Blood, Raid the Vault, and Shadow War. Shadow War occurs twice a week and is the main event for increasing your Dark Clan’s standing.
- During each Cycle of Strife cycle, the 10 highest ranked Dark Clans will participate in an event called the Rite of Exile. The top 10 Dark Clans will send their top 8 players to compete against the top 8 Immortal Clan members in ten 8v8 battles. If the Shadow Clans win more than half of these 10 battles, they will progress to the final phase of the cycle.
- If the Shadow Clans win the Rite of Exile event, the Challenge of the Immortal event will trigger. In this event, the Immortal must put up a last-ditch defense in a 1vs30 PVP battle. The Immortal player is transformed into a giant version that is incredibly buffed and over-powered. If the Shadow Clans win, the winning clans will replace the Immortals.
There can only be 300 Immortals on each server at any time. The winning Shadow Clan can select two allied Shadow Clans to become Immortals with them. Clans can have up to 100 members each. As an Immortal, your goal is to protect your faction standing by defeating the Shadow Clan in the Rite of Exile and the Challenge of the Immortal event. There can be an unlimited amount of Shadow Clan members, but the Immortals are always under siege.
Immortals have access to exclusive features and raids. Here’s a short list of what we know so far.
- Immortal Exclusive Features:
- Eternal Crowns: When an Immortal Clan is chosen, a single player is chosen to wear the Eternal Crown. Four lieutenants will be given smaller Crowns. Each crown has progression and provides a massive offensive / defensive buff to the player and all nearby allies.
- Kion’s Ordeal: Immortals can access the Kion’s Ordeal raid by spending Essentia — a resource earned by completing daily goals. The Kion’s Ordeal raid is a 4-team / 48-player raid where four teams are pitted against 4 bosses. Defeating each boss makes the next remaining boss stronger. Completing the raid unlocks exclusive top-tier loot and the Blessing of Daedessa buff which increases Elder Rift rewards for Immortals and Adventurers factions. Failing will give the buff to the Shadows faction.
- Immortals also have access to Raid the Vault and Corvus Expedition events.
Becoming an Immortal is nigh impossible for most of us, but for those clans that can reach the top-tier, you’ll be able to earn more rewards and bestow rewards down upon the regular Adventurers faction. The only way to get the best gear in the game is by becoming an Immortal and participating in the Kion’s Ordeal raid — and even the Immortals are going to struggle to overcome this one.
The system sounds a lot more complicated than it is. The hard part is just kitting yourself and your clan, fighting up the leaderboard, and taking down the Immortals yourselves. Goodluck out there, Shadows.
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