Ready to get filthy in Corvius’ Mire, the third swampy sub-region of Salt and Sacrifice? To continue your progress through the kingdom ravaged by elemental mages, you’ll need to leave Bol Gerahn behind and trek into the vile Corvius’ Mire. To reach the third region, you’ll need to complete a very specific task in Bol Gerahn — you need to acquire a key, use the key, and recover an item from an NPC in this room. This task is a little more straightforward than the previous region’s mission, and it is just as missable.
Corvius’ Mire is a sickening swamp. Of course, this game needs a swamp level. Miyazaki, the creative lead on the Dark Souls series, loves himself some poisonous swamps. There’s more to the mire than just poison and humidity, but we won’t spoil all the secrets here. Learn how to unlock the third area with the full guide below.
More Salt and Sacrifice guides:
How To Reach Bol Gerahn [2nd Region] | Inquisitor Tool Locations | How To Join Every Faction
How To Get The Corvius’ Mire Mirrorgate Rune
Step #1: Get The Filthy Key
To unlock Corvius’ Mire, you first need to reach Bol Gerahn and collect the Filthy Key.
- The Filthy Key is located in Bol Gerahn Temple. Go up above the Steel Key room, then reach the altar on the left. Clear the area to collect the Filthy Key.
Go down to another large mage arena. On the left wall there’s a door that unlocks with the Filthy Key.
Step #2: Talk To The NPC
Walljump up to the top of the large stone chamber. On the right side you’ll find an NPC you can talk to. They’ll give you the runestone required to access Corvius’ Mire. That’s all it takes. Return to the Mirrorgate to travel to the third region of the game. Be prepared for even more dangerous challenges here.