Evolution Items are some of the rarest items in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. There are many different types but getting them is a pain — you can only rarely earn them by completing requests, and you’ll almost never find them in the open-world. If you’re really, really lucky you can get an Evolution Stone from shiny rock material nodes. The rest will only spawn during Space-Time Distortion events. You might never see the particular Evolution Item you need naturally. Thankfully, you can buy them with a special currency.
Merit Points are a bonus currency you can exchange for Evolution Items. The MP store is packed with every time of Evolution Item, including new ones made specifically for this game. Any Pokemon that had to be traded to evolve can now evolve with an item called a Linking Cord. There’s only one way to earn Merit Points, and the system is a little weird. Let’s break down exactly what you need to know about earning Merit Points and how to get any Evolution Item you need.
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How To Earn Merit Points | Benefits Of Online
Found to the left of Galaxy HQ, you’ll find the Merit Point Vendor. This vendor will trade Merit Points for Evolution Items or allow you to trade Pokemon. You’ll need at least 1,000 Merit Points to get anything from the Merit Vendor, and there are a couple ways you can do it.
- Open your map in any of the wild regions. You’ll see markers for lost satchels. Go to the marked locations and collect the satchel to return it to its owner. When a player blacks out in the field, they’ll leave behind a satchel with items. Depending on the value of the items, you’ll get more or less MP when you return it.

To earn your Merit Points, you need to access the Lost & Found menu. Open your inventory and tab right — stop at the Mystery Gift / Lost & Found menu. Access Lost & Found to earn
- You don’t need to be online to earn Merit Points. Even if you’re offline, generic satchels will spawn in each region. Online Satchels from real players are usually worth more Merit Points, so it’s worth it to get online.
- You can only return satchels of other players. You can’t recollect your own lost satchel.
- If you’re online, other players will be able to recover your lost satchel and return your lost items.

The Lost & Found menu will also show all the possible locations where you can recover Lost Satchels. You can’t return them and earn points until you’ve traveled to their location (marked on your map) and picked it up.
- Most offline Lost Satchels are worth 50-100 Merit Points. On average, you’ll be able to earn an Evolution Item purchase after recovering 15~ Lost Satchels.
To make recovery easier, wait until you’ve unlocked all the ride Pokemon, especially the final flying Pokemon. Once you’re able to fly, collecting all the Lost & Found Lost Satchels in a region only takes minutes. That means you can safely and easily farm Merit Points to purchase Evolution Items you need. You can do it even faster if you’re Online.
To earn the most Merit Points, check the Lost & Found, then travel to each region with your flying Pokemon mount. Collect all the Lost Satchels — you’ll usually find 2-4 in each region. Fly around, grab them, then switch regions. I recommend doing this for three or four regions in a single go, so you can stock up on plenty of Merit Points. Once you’ve got all the Ride Pokemon, getting Merit Points becomes a lot easier. There’s still a grind, but that’s a lot easier to deal with than blind luck.
You’ll also want to check your requests to see if any give Evolution Items. Once valuable job is Request 64: Getting To Know Ghosts — it rewards a free Linking Cord which can be used to evolve Pokemon like Haunter, Machoke and Graveler.
- Merit Point Vendor | Evolution Items
- 400 MP Cost: Oval Stone
- 1000 MP Cost: Linking Cord, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Ice Stone, Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Metal Coat, Upgrade
- 1200 MP Cost: Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone
- 1400 MP Cost: Razor Claw, Razor Fang, Reaper Cloth, Protector, Electrilizer, Magmarizer, Dubious Disc
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