The best way to improve your weapons in Dying Light 2 is through recipe upgrades. Recipe upgrades don’t just enhance your weapon with new effects, they also extend a weapon’s durability — an important detail in a game that has no way to repair gear. Upgrading your recipes requires a special resource that you can only get by killing infected. Infected drop trophies: little medals that represent the difficulty of the kill. There are common, uncommon, and rare trophies to collect. Weirdly enough, the hardest trophies to earn don’t come from the hardest enemies.
Rare trophies are something you’ll earn pretty often — as rewards for clearing out special infected in marked spots on the map. You’ll be challenged to take down these powerful enemies whenever you find a zone where they roam, and the fights are pretty fun. But you’re told explicitly to avoid enemies that drop Uncommon Infected Trophies. Only Howlers, the zombies that alert other undead in the area and launch you into a chase, can get you more Uncommon Infected trophies. Running zombies will also drop them — but they’ll only appear if you alert a Howler. Starting to see why collecting Uncommon Infected Trophies is so difficult?
We’ve played for well over 50~ combined hours, and here’s our simple strategy for earning those Uncommon Trophies.
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How To Farm Uncommon Trophies | Screamer Kills Guide
There are two easy ways to farm Uncommon Trophies from Howlers. First, you’ll want to locate a safe UV Zone or an open truck. Either way works, but the open trucks are the best. You’ll also need lots of weapons — if all your weapons break, you’ll be in a bad situation. You can also drop some cannisters nearby and use them to light the area on fire to improve kills.
- Truck Method: At night, find a Howler and alert it. Run away to your chosen open truck and jump into the back. Trucks are great places to defend because enemies can only enter by climbing inside with you — they can’t attack from the sides or behind.
- Kill the zombies are they climb in. We’re hunting Virals — those are the fast, sprinting zombies that also drop Uncommon Trophies. Defend the truck. They can only slowly enter, and you can easily knock them back with a kick, forcing them to climb back in.
Stay and defend the truck as long as you can. When you’ve killed everything, just make a run around the area and the zombie corpses will despawn, leaving behind the satchels with their items. This is much easier to loot. If you’re looking for a safer method, you can just lead the chasing zombie to a UV light source. They’ll turn away and run once you reach the light, and you can pick them off by exiting the light, killing a few, then running back in. You won’t get nearly as many trophies with this method, but it is safer.