You won’t make it far in the Sinnoh Region without Field Moves. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl has a slew of Field Moves — and if you’re new to the series, you might not be familiar with all of them. Defog? How long has it been since you’ve needed to Defog? In Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, you unlock new Field Moves by defeating Gym Leaders. Each Gym Leader badge allows you to access a new Field Move — if you have the right Pokemon in your team, that is. With Field Moves you can fly, swim, and access hidden areas with rare items. If you want to know when you’ll be able to start flying or swimming, here’s how to get both abilities.
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How To Unlock Surf, Fly & Other Field Moves
Field Moves are special abilities you can unlock for specific Pokemon that allow you to traverse more of the environment. Often you’ll be blocked from entering certain areas of the game until you gain the right Field Moves. To use Field Moves, you’ll also need to have a corresponding Pokemon in your party.
With Field Moves, you can swim over water, climb waterfalls, and much more. Always return to previous areas of the game once you’ve unlocked new Field Moves to see what you can find — there are valuable secrets waiting for you.
This is the order you’ll unlock Field Moves as you progress through the game. If you’re curious to know when you’ll get the next Field Move, check the list below for a pretty good idea.
- Rock Smash: Earn the Coal Badge by defeating Gym Leader Roark in Oreburgh City.
- Allows you to smash rocks in the environment.
- Cut: Earn the Forest Badge by defeating Gym Leader Gardenia in Eterna City.
- Allows you to cut through tall grass.
- Fly: Earn the Cobal Badge by defeating Gym Leader Maylene in Veilstone City.
- Allows you to fly over gaps and travel faster.
- Defog: Earn the Fen Badge by defeating Gym Leader Crasher Wake in Pastoria City.
- Removes thick fog from the environment.
- Surf: Earn the Relic Badge by defeating Gym Leader Fantina in Hearthome City.
- Allows you to travel over water.
- Strength: Earn the Mine Badge by defeating Gym Leader Byron in Canalave City.
- Allows you to push large boulders in the environment.
- Rock Climb: Earn the Icicle Badge by defeating Gym Leader Candice in Snowpoint City.
- Gives you the ability to scale certain rock walls.
- Waterfall: Earn the Beacon Badge by defeating Gym Leader Volkner in Sunyshore City.
- Special ability that allows you to climb up waterfalls.
Waterfalls is the last Field Move. Once you’ve defeated the 8 Gym Leaders, you’ll have access to (basically) every area of the game in the field. Now you can reach all the hidden areas, items, and useful Pokemon you couldn’t touch before.