Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl return the series to its Generation IV roots, simplifying a game series that’s become absolutely enormous — and even back then, we had Evolution Items. The infamous Evolution Stones are back, and they’re particularly rare in this region. Finding them all can be a huge pain, so we’re going to help you track down all the Evolution Items to fully evolve your favorite Pokemon. We’ve already found the Fire Stone, Dawn Stone, and Leaf Stone — and there are many more to find. We’ll continue to hunt them down and update this article with the info you need.
Evolution Stones are critical items, especially if you’ve got your very own Eevee. Evolution Stones are just one of many Evolution methods for Pokemon, but they’re an important one for a pretty simple reason — you can evolve Pikachu into Raichu with a Thunder Stone! They transform Eevee into different variants. And they can be used to evolve a bunch of other critters. Most of these are difficult to find, and can only be collected after you’ve unlocked specific movement abilities later in the game. Just keep this page saved and refer back to it once you’ve cleared all eight gyms.
All Evolution Stone Locations
[Work-In-Progress: Check back soon for more Evolution Item locations.]
- Fire Stone: Route 205 – Enter from Floaroma Town and reach the bridge with water to the left. Swim up and enter Fuego Ironworks. Reach the Pokeball in the upper-right corner of the area, next to the blue container. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground and Solaceaon Ruins.
- Used To Evolve:
- Vulpix -> Ninetales
- Growlithe -> Arcanine
- Eevee -> Flareon
- Water Stone: Route 213 – Acquire Surf, then travel to the shallow water on the eastern edge of the route. Find the item north of two swimming NPCs. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground and Solaceaon Ruins.
- Used To Evolve:
- Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath
- Shellder -> Cloyster
- Staryu -> Starmie
- Eevee -> Vaporeon
- Lombre -> Ludicolo
- Panpour -> Simipour
- Thunder Stone: Sunyshore City – Found behind the Vista Lighthouse. Also available in Route 229, in the southwest. It is only reachable with Surf and Cut. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground and Solaceaon Ruins.
- Used To Evolve:
- Pikachu -> Raichu
- Eevee -> Jolteon
- Dawn Stone: Route 207 – Enter from Oreburgh City and enter Mount Coronet. From the entrance, go down to the water on the bottom edge of the map. Swim right to get this hidden pokeball. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground.
- Used To Evolve:
- Murkrow -> Honchkrow
- Misdreavus -> Mismagius
- Leaf Stone: Route 205 – Enter from Floaroma Town and use Surf on the water near the bridge. Swim up to the entrance to Fuego Ironworks. Instead of going up, disembark down to a seemingly empty grassy spot surrounded by trees. Go to the bottom to enter a hidden passage leading to Floaroma Meadow. Inside, you’ll find the pokeball item near the entrance. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground.
- Used To Evolve:
- Gloom -> Vileplume
- Weepinbell -> Victreebel
- Exeggcute -> Exeggutor
- Eevee -> Leafeon (Needs Testing)
- Nuzleaf -> Shiftry
- Moon Stone: Eterna City – Use Surf in the upper-right corner of the city. There’s a hidden item here. Go to the right and swim across the large open lake to reach the small patch of grass at the top. Can also be found in the southeast of Mt. Coronet with Surf. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground.
- Used To Evolve:
- Nidorina -> Nidoqueen
- Nidorino -> Nidoking
- Clefairy -> Clefable
- Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff
- Skitty -> Delcatty
- Sun Stone: Valor Lakefront – Climb the rockwalls to the right of Hotel Grand Lakes. At the top, you’ll find this item. Requires unlocking Rock Climb. Can also be found randomly in the Grand Underground.
- Used To Evolve:
- Gloom -> Bellossom
- Sunkern -> Sunflora
- Shiny Stone: Iron Island – Found deep in the mine at Iron Island. Can be picked up in B3F1. Also found in Route 10; use Defog in the foggy northern area, and use Rock Climb. When you reach a spot between two rock climb walls, go down.
- Used To Evolve:
- Togetic -> Togekiss
- Roselia -> Roserade
- Dusk Stone: Veilstone City – Once you gain access to the Galactic Warehouse, reach the Entrance Floor and gain the Storage Key. You’ll gain the Storage Key at Lake Acuity. Can also be found in Victory Road; reach the Hall of Fame and push the boulders that require Strength in the upperleft corner.
- Used To Evolve:
- Murkrow -> Honchkrow
- Misdreavus -> Mismagius
More stone locations coming soon!