The best gun in Deathloop doesn’t seem that great when you first look at it — but after playing the game for more than 30+ hours, I can confidently say it is the best, most useful gun in the game. It is a simple LIMP-10 SMG variant, but you can grab it during the opening tutorial if you know where to look. Slap on a few weapon upgrades to increase accuracy and damage-over-distance, then equip the Nexus Slab ability. With Nexus and this gun, you can easily clear entire rooms of enemies without setting off an alarm.
The LIMP-10 SMG variant has the super-rare Suppressor trait. The trait description says the gun makes less noise — which is seriously burying how powerful this gun is. The gun is almost completely silent. It makes as much noise at the nail gun! Enemies will not hear it, even if you open fire at full-auto. You don’t even need to get headshot. You can easily grab two and unleash a torrent of completely silent bullets akimbo. You can wipe out bad guys without drawing unwanted attention, making it the most useful stealth weapon in the entire game. This gun makes the nail gun completely pointless. This is the only sidearm you need.
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How To Get The Best Stealth Gun | Suppressed LIMP-10 Location Guide
To get the Suppressed LIMP-10, travel to The Complex at any time. Go to Egor’s Labs (called Serling Labs) and get inside the apartment on the second floor. Use Shift to get through the laser grid, or just break the glass. If you’re quick, you can grab the gun or disable the turret by pulling out the battery.
- Suppressed LIMP-10 Location: The gun is on the table in Egor’s personal room in Serling Labs. Find it to the right of his bed.

To disable the security system, enter the apartment (second floor) and drop through the hole. There’s a switch next to the power console.
The Suppressed LIMP-10 is completely silent, like the nail gun pistol, but can be fired automatically. Give it accuracy upgrades and damage-over-range to get easy headshots. Combine with Nexus (give Nexus the Influence Upgrade to spread the effect to anyone nearby, allowing you to take out entire crowds of enemies easily) and you’ll become a perfect stealth assassin. It isn’t the strongest gun in the game, but it has the most utility. You can shoot at full-auto in gunfights and not attract the attention of any enemies nearby.