Every level in Oddworld: Soulstorm has badges, and we’re going to Platinum them all. You’ll find extensive guides explaining how to complete each Badge — from wrecking crates, to finding all secret areas and Royal Jelly collectibles. Level 2 features some pretty insane challenges, including a challenge to “apprehend” enemy Sligs. What does that even mean? We’ll explain.
In Level 2, Abe and his Mudokon friends must escape from the Magog Cartel’s forces. These corporate thugs are gunning for Abe, and you’ll have to deal with deadly Sligs to escape. Abe has a few tools at his command — you can use your Chant ability to possess Sligs, forcing them to shoot each other, or you can use fire and IEDs to stun the suckers. There’s a lot more going on in Level 2, so let’s get started.
More Oddworld: Soulstorm guides:
Raid on Mosaic | Platinum Badge Guide
Platinum Badges Guide | The Ruins

How To Get WRECKER: You need to destroy 35 objects. Smash containers holding Brew Bottles every time you encounter them. There are lots! Just keep smashing and you’ll get this easily.
How To Get SLIG APPREHENDER: You need to apprehend — tie up — 50 Sligs. Not easy! To tie up a Slig, you need to knock them out (or sneak up to them while they’re sleeping) and pickpocket. Get Tape and you can tie them up. By tapping [L2] you can also stun sligs instead of killing them. You can use IED Bombs to stun them, also — you need to stun and tie up 50 / 86, so aim for as many of them as possible.
- NOTE: During the final sequence where you have to defend the Mudokons, set IEDs like mines on all the platforms where Sligs spawn. Pickpocket and tie them up before they disappear. You’ll have to move fast, but it’s not too difficult once you get the hang of it.
To unlock EXPLORER and HIDDEN HELP, go to the locations below.

Royal Jelly #1: At the first Slig stealth encounter, you’ll find this jelly to the right of the sleeping slig.

Royal Jelly #2 + Secret #1: Below the first encounter, drop down and roll under the floor to find a secret door containing a Royal Jelly.

Royal Jelly #3: In the large sneaking area ahead with four sligs and a anti-chanting device, drop down to the very bottom of the level.

Royal Jelly #4 + Secret #2: Fight through the zig-zag room guarded by four sligs. You’ll need to shoot your way (or carefully knock out) each slig. Right after rolling through the narrow path, jump directly up to a hidden ledge.

Royal Jelly #5 + Secret #3: Past the cutscene, clear the sligs around the mines and climb up. Ahead, you’ll reach an area with green brew, two sligs, and two visible jellies on the right. To get the lower jelly, clear the two sligs to reach it.

Royal Jelly #6 + Secret #4: Right after the cutscene with Alf yelling at you, drop down and use a Brew Bottle to burn down the wooden wall. On the other side, there’s a Royal Jelly.

Royal Jelly #7: In the area with the sligs pinning down your group of mudokons, you need to defeat the slig below (and to the right) guarding this royal jelly collectible. Use a possessed slig to shoot him and grab it.
How To Get SAVIOUR: To save 150 Mudokons, you need to prevent Sligs from killing the Mudokons near the end of the level. Use the IED containers to set bombs on the ledges where Sligs spawn to stun them — quickly tie them up and pickpocket them for the tape you need. If you’re quick, this is just as easy of a method as chanting.
Abe’s not out of the fire yet. The next level forces you to dodge incoming mortars from the blimp — and that includes a constant supply of new Sligs. And we haven’t even reached the main game proper yet!