Science Weapons are the weird, totally unique weapons of The Outer Worlds. The “Murder on Eridanos” DLC includes three more Science Weapons to uncover, and they’re unlike any other weapons in the game — each one sporting a special ability. The famous Needler — that weird giant revolver you’ll see all over the loading screens of the base game — can finally be obtained.
What makes Science Weapons special? The Needler has infinite ammo for example — instead of reloading bullets, the reload button just swaps to different bullet types. The weird Udder Buddy club causes enemy to magnetize and slam into each other when you’re combo-ing a group. Then there’s the heavy Spectrum Gatling, which shoots a dazzling array of different colorful bullets. They’re all worth getting, so here’s where they’re all located so you don’t miss them.
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20 Tips, Tricks & Secrets I Wish I Knew | Beginner’s Guide | How To Recruit Every Companion | All Party Members Guide | How To Find All 5 Science Weapons | ‘Weapons From The Void’ Locations Guide | Where To Find All Unique Weapons | Gun Locations Guide | 10 Tips To Help You Survive Supernova | Hardest Difficulty Guide | How To Unlock Every Ending | Good, Bad & Worst Endings Guide
All Science Weapon Locations

Udder Buddy
Complete the side-quest “Lost Little Milkmech”, which is acquired from Mildred Lenox at the Legal Hunting Supplies store in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve area. The store (and NPC) are located right near the entrance.
- Betty the Milkmech is located behind the Legal Hunting Supplies store. You can hack the mech or just defeat all the Canids in the area to break her subroutine, then she’ll return.
Return to Lenox and you’ll get the Udder Buddy. This weird 1-Handed Science Weapon applies magnetization on a target, causing anything hit with the weapon to slam into each other. The higher your Science skill, the more likely enemies will crunch into one another.

Can be obtained in the Grand Colonial Penthouse during the main quest “Escape!” — you can get it automatically, soon after telling Administrator Ludovico who you think is responsible for the murder of Halcyon Helen.
- When talking to Halcyon Helen in the penthouse, pass the [Perception 45] skill check to ask for her Needler.
The Needler is a special handgun that never needs to be reloaded and contains infinite ammo. It has three different chemical effects — poison, armor acid, or slowing goo. Reload to swap between the three different special effects.

Spectrum Gatling
Can be obtained in the RR & DD Lab in the Purpleberry Orchard area. After completing the Purpleberry Orchard main quest, you’ll be able to access the room with the barricaded scientists. In this room, there’s a computer in the center.
- To unlock the weapon chamber in the RR & DD Lab, travel to the Rizzo’s Distillation Station and find the taste testing bar at the end of the tour. Collect all 8 flavors of Rizzo’s — you can collect them all after completing the main story.
If you’re carrying all 8 flavors, the computer will allow you to open the chamber in the lab room. The Spectrum Gatling fires 8 different damage types — alternating after each shot, and picks up speed the longer you fire it.