Defeat Kalle Demos With Pure Water [Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker]
Here’s a secret I absolutely did not here about until the re-release of Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. In the second dungeon of the game, you’ll do battle with a killer plant called Kalle Demos. He’s a tricky boss, but you can kill him instantly with water. Yes, water.
Outside the second dungeon, there’s a pure water spring that contains special liquid. It only keeps its efficacy for 30:00 minutes, but that’s plenty of time — after completing the second dungeon and gaining the boss key, just leave the dungeon, go back for the pure water, then splash the stuff onto the boss to instantly kill it. I guess the boss can’t handle holy water!
Destroy A Sign To Skip The Tool Man Boss [Final Fight 3]
Here’s one of the most delightfully absurd yet logical skips in video game history. In Final Fight 3, in Round 3, you’ll normally board a bus during the events of the level. After a crash, you’ll fight your way onto the bus rooftop and face a boss called Caine. Or you can skip the entire level by destroying a sign.
Oh, you won’t destroy just any sign. You’ll need to destroy the Bus Stop Sign — by destroying it, you won’t actually board the bus. It makes sense! If there’s no bus sign, there’s no bus stop. It’s completely logical. Your hero moves on to Round 4, avoiding a whole lot of public transportation trouble.
Learn even more easy tricks to defeat tough bosses on the next page.