Blow Up The End Early Or Wait 7 Days [Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]
The Metal Gear Solid series is so packed with clever tricks for defeating bosses, I couldn’t limit myself to just one. We’re covering a double-dose of Metal Gear Solid, and the first entry is an all-time legendary boss. The End is an extremely old sniper, and you’ll fight him across multiple maps, carefully sussing out his position with Sonar, Radar, Infrared, and everything else in your arsenal of gadgets.
This fight is a “grueling sniper duel” that literally takes hours to complete if you’re playing carefully. Or you could just shoot The End in a cutscene. Earlier, after crossing the swamps, you’ll get a look at The End meeting with big bad Volgin at a dock. If you equip your rifle and shoot fast enough, you can instakill The End before even fighting him.
Then there’s the seven day trick. If you wait seven days after starting the fight — or if you change the internal clock on your PS2 — The End will simply die of old age.
Call In Supply Drops On Quiet’s Head [Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain]
This trick is less useful, but much funnier. If you’re looking for an incredible way to defeat your opponent, dropping an ammo box on their heads is one of the best — and it’s another sniper duel! This time you’re facing off against expert sniper Quiet in Afghanistan. Instead of exchanging bullets with her, you can bring up your binoculars and tag her.
Why? Because tagging her generates a marker on your map. A marker that you can use to perfectly aim an airdrop. Calling in a resupply crate or two is enough to knock Quiet unconscious and end the fight. It isn’t as quick or easy, but it’s one of the most creative ways to take her down.
Learn even more easy tricks to defeat tough bosses on the next page.