#9: Missable Achievements In Really, Really Long Games
Replaying a reasonably long game isn’t really a problem if you’re an achievement hunter, that just goes with the territory. The problem is when you’ve got to replay massive games — I’m talking 50+ hours of gameplay for a single achievement. Finding all the collectibles in Lost Odyssey, a sprawling JRPG, is a pain in the neck. They’re all missable, so you can’t go back to previous sections of the game for clean-up.
That’s annoying, but a guide makes it much easier. The missable achievements in The Witcher 3 are way more difficult. If you want to get all the endings you have to replay almost the entire game, changing your choices slightly for each playthrough. Even if you’re trying to complete it quickly, that’s an extremely long game. Most of us barely have enough time to complete one playthrough — but three? Four? At 50+ hours a pop!
#10: Seriously & Beyond
The most infamous achievements on the Xbox. ‘Seriously’, ‘Seriously 2.0; and ‘Seriously 3.0’ are the Sisyphean Boulder of gaming. Introduced in the first Gears of War, ‘Seriously’ challenges players to score 10,000 multiplayer kills. Because that wasn’t bad enough, Seriously 2.0 upped that number to 100,000. Even if you could somehow score 1,000 kills a day, that would still take more than three months of grinding.
Gears of War 3 continued the tradition, but changed focus — now you have to unlock every Onyx Medal in the game. To get all the medals, you’d have to play, at minimum, about 18,000 matches total. To earn medals, you’d have to get thousands of different kill types — and worst of all, get 2,500 ‘perfect’ games. In Multiplayer. You could learn a foreign language in the amount of time this takes.
Those are just a handful of the worst achievements in the world. There’s a lot more terrible out there, and we’d love to know all about it. Drop us a line here or anywhere, and tell us your worst achievement experiences.