Bell Gargoyles
Found on the rooftop of the Undead Parish, the Bell Gargoyles are one of the toughest early battles. The first bell you’ll need to ring to unlock Sen’s Fortress is found after this fight. Instead of one Gargoyle, you’ll have to fight two at the same time.
When you take the first Bell Gargoyle down to half health, it will begin to breath fire and summon a second Bell Gargoyle to aid it. The second Bell Gargoyle only has half the health of the first gargoyle, and usually breathes fire instead of attacking with its axe.
If you manage to rescue Lautrec in the upper level of the Undead Parish church, talk to him in the Firelink Shrine and you’ll be able to summon him for this battle. There are two signs you can summon — that’s two summon helpers at the same time. Using both will make this fight much easier.