Former game journalist and current Hey Ash star Anthony Burch is currently working as a writer on Borderlands 2. In an interview with The Guardian, he discusses the importance of humor in Borderlands 2–and given Burch's background, plus how funny the first Borderlands was, we can expect to be in for a good laugh in Borderlands 2. Brian Martel, co-founder of Gearbox, extrapolates:
"Games can be so serious, whether it's about soldiers in the Middle East or some megalomaniacal guy trying to take over Earth," he continues. "We've all played through those scenarios so many times! That's one of the fun things about Borderlands: the guys making the game are having as much fun as the players. And it's different every time – we haven't seen all the weapons in the game, it's impossible. It's almost like a hobby – it's what games should be
"There great some great moments when I was writing commercials for different gun manufacturers and we'd have conversations like, 'okay, which of these corporations would sell me out and kill me if there was profit in it?' And we came to the conclusion that they'd all sell me out, it was just a question of who would do it quickest. None of them are good, you can't side with corporations. It's that idea of keeping everything dark and harsh and a little bit on the edge."
Of course, the best comedy has social commentary hidden within its punchlines. Here, Burch chimes in in regards to the weapons brands in Borderlands 2, and how they're pushing to create brand loyalty with players.
Even in the farthest outer wastelands you can't escape corporations, they're still the ones running the show and they don't necessarily have your best interest at heart.
The comedy will be delivers through more than just errant dialogue, but through the quests themselves, if not the gameplay.
Borderlands releases on September 21st.