When I was younger, I spent a lot of time hanging around on the Metal Gear Solid boards at GameFAQs. Through the release of the second and third games, I was a regular because, as much as I hated the forums at GameFAQs, I just wanted to be part of the community working out Metal Gear Solid while it was at its prime.
So it stands to reason that I stood in queue for the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection when it was first released in the UK at the beginning of last month. Apparently, the game has almost sold a million units. This is according to VGChartz, so it may or may not be accurate (depending on who you ask), but it's still sold pretty damn well.
In all fairness, it was probably lapped up by MGS fans without PSPs, long waiting for the chance to play Peace Walker with a second analogue stick. Personally, I wanted to actually get something in return for hours on VR missions in Metal Gear Solid 2, and trophies are awesome.