More details have seemingly been shared on Microsoft’s console and handheld strategies going forward. This is as per a rumour shared by an industry insider. This rumour relates to Xbox’s general strategy going forward. As well as to their goals regarding future console and handheld releases.
As shared to Reddit by Hot-Cause-481. SneakerSO an industry insider with a somewhat proven tracked record, has weighed in on Microsoft’s future plans and how they intend to approach the gaming space. There is a lot of news regarding Microsoft’s plans as Satya Nadella just recently spoke on Microsoft’s approach to Xbox, gaming and Call Of Duty.
Several fans are aware of Microsoft’s shifting focus where Xbox is concerned. The company’s “This is an Xbox” campaign is everywhere. SneakerSO, speaking on NeoGAF agreed with this sentiment. However, he stated that Microsoft is not only focusing less on a console-like experience but also less on the typical Game Pass experience. Their recent Activision acquisition has transformed the platform quite dramatically.
“GP(GamePass) is no longer their focus. That ended earlier this year. CoD has completely transformed the business model of GP. Its more accurate to think of GP now as a CoD subscription, given how much of the GP revenue goes to it.”
SneakersSO went on to say that Microsoft’s handheld would likely be more of a Steam Deck competitor than an extension of the current Xbox architecture as we know it. SneakersSo goes on to liken Microsoft’s approach to that of Steam Big Picture mode. Only not in so many words. Microsoft would provide a software ‘wrapper’ that would emulate the console experience. Which presumably could then be implemented on other Windows-based based handhelds. Here’s the full quote:
“For the handheld, its being positioned more in the sort of vector that Steam Deck is in, but for the Windows Gaming/PC Desktop app, over being an extension of the Xbox-hardware ecosystem itself. What that means is, imagine it as a handheld Windows PC, with a wrapper for the PC Microsoft Gaming app that most PC users utilize to buy Xbox games or use Game Pass on PC. What they are hoping for is that it, along with them extending this OS to other handheld PC makers like ASUS and some others, is that it’ll strengthen the userbase and onboarding of users into the Xbox PC/Windows Gaming Store experience, as they are beginning to view Steam and the growth of SteamOS as a potential threat to their dominance over gaming in the OS space.”
Microsoft’s reported high-end console will focus on its dedicated console user base which has drastically decreased in recent years. SneakersSo has suggested that Microsoft would go so far as to sell the device online rather than in physical storefronts. This would likely be in an attempt to minimise upfront costs and maximise profit margins.
These are still rumours at this stage, so take it with whatever dosage of salt you require to temper your expectations.
If you’d like to read more on Satya Nadella’s recent comments click here. If this is the first you’ve heard about a Microsoft handheld, then click here.