Capcom has been doing its best to ensure that Street Fighter 6 has the appropriate level of hype before its June 2nd release date. To their credit, they have been doing a good job so far. They’ve been slowly revealing the various characters you can play as, then showing them off in “developer matches.” We’ve seen plenty of these matches already, and Capcom has just dropped another one with a very unique matchup. In it, we see the new character Lily, a conduit for wind spirits, and the fan-favorite character E. Honda, the mighty sumo wrestler. As you can tell, it’s a matchup of size, but nothing says it has to “play to the script.”
As we’ve seen with Lily in her first developer match, she uses her unique clubs and wind-blessed agility to get the better of her opponents. She’s still inexperienced, as one of her super moves shows, but she has strength where it counts. As for E. Honda, the game highlights his classic moves and some new ones that have already wowed fans. One such move is a super move where he creates a ring of fire to imitate a sumo ring circle and then drops Lily on it for fierce damage.
But, in the end, the girl with the wind at her back won’t be denied, as she’ll get the overall win in the video below. Check it out for the full beatdown:
We’ll likely get more developer matches like this in the future, as it’s a fun way to highlight the matches you’ll be able to have in the title. We will also likely have a few character announcements before the title drops. Or, we could get the word about the first DLC for the game.
We do know that some things are completely known, such as the color commentators for the game. Their roster has been filled. We also know some pre-order bonuses you’ll get if you buy the game beforehand.
If that’s still not enough, we know Street Fighter 6 will be at the Capcom Cup, and the bracket winner for the game will win one million dollars. Capcom is clearly going all out for the game, and that’s to be appreciated. In addition, the dev team themselves has said that they want nothing more than to make this a fun game accessible to gamers of all skill levels.
We’ll see how well that works this June.