Team17, the publisher behind the Worms franchise and the upcoming game Allison Road, has released details for its 2016 line-up. The company is celebrating both its 25th anniversary and the 21st anniversary of the Worms franchise. To kick off that celebration, they have released details for their upcoming games for next year. They are:
- Yooka-Laylee– A 3D exploratory platformer from PlayTonic Games in the vein of Banjo-Kazooie. The team includes several significant Rare developers such as Chris Sutherland, Steve Mayles, and Steven Hurst. The game features new heroes, Yooka and Laylee. Players will have access to an arsenal of special moves like Yooka’s tongue grapple and Laylee’s tactical sonar blast, while both exploring and expanding the world.
- Worms W.M.D – Worms W.M.D features a fresh, new-look 2D cartoon-inspired worm as well as hand drawn landscapes. New features include the abilities to use new vehicles, and enter buildings, which Team17 says will add new strategic elements of gameplay to the traditional Worm warfare.
- Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE – A fighter/brawler which originally debuted on PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3. Team17 describes it as the kind of game that is beaten instead of finished, due to its difficulty. Playing as the mighty War Golem, players will engage in tactical and skill based combat as the game pits them against multiple deadly enemies at once, along with epic boss battles.
- Sheltered – A post-apocalyptic disaster management game. The upcoming title from Unicube challenges players to navigate the many moral choices they’ll encounter on a daily basis that could be the difference saving their families, and dying. Some of the hindrances and conditions players should expect include combat claustrophobia, radiation, and mental exhaustion. Players will have to leave their scant shelter from time to time to scavenge for necessary supplies out in the wasteland. The title seems like a mix of This War of Mine, Fallout, and Banished.
- Allison Road – A narrative-driven survival horror game developed entertainment industry veterans and life-long game enthusiasts Lilith. The game began as a fan recreation of the interactive P.T. trailer for the cancelled Silent Hills videogame. Full development coincided with the launching of a Kickstarter campaign, which was then cancelled when the team partnered with Team17. The game seems to exude the same atmospheric tension and suspense as P.T.
Each of these games is due out in 2016, including Allison Road and Yooka-Laylee.