After completing the Dark Woods, your hero will travel to the deserts of the Shassar Sea — and that’s where many players are encountering a story roadblock in Diablo Immortal. If you blaze through the Dark Woods and Shassar Sea, you won’t be high enough level to access the Library of Zoltun Kulle. There’s plenty of activities to accomplish, and here we’re going to talk about the most efficient method for leveling up and getting past this mid-game hump.
Before getting into it, playing with a 4-player team will give you maximum rewards and bonus treasure. There’s no reason NOT to team up, as you’ll only get more loot and benefits, so if you do get a prompt to join a nearby team or someone invites you, go ahead and do it. You’ll want to stick together, but it is worth it. If you’re feeling like playing at your own pace, that’s a totally legit choice and easy to manage in Diablo Immortal. Here’s a few ways to boost your level with minimum effort.
You can download Diablo Immortal for free now on iOS and Android.
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How To Reach Library of Zoltun Kulle | Level 35+ Farming
To start grinding up to Level 35~ after completing Dark Woods and Shassar Sea, you’ll want to run through all the daily challenges and quests.
- Travel to Westmarch — here, you can find Elder Rifts, Challenge Rifts, and Bounties.
- Elder Rifts give you a free Rare Crest daily. Use this Rare Crest! The Rift takes less than 5~ minutes to complete and the Guardian defeat will give you serious rewards. Don’t waste multiple Rare Crests as a F2P player. If you don’t want to spend money, use one Elder Crest per run to get the most out of your crests.
- After completing your Elder Rift, use the Challenge Rift nearby. This is exactly like the Elder Rift but is better used for grinding XP instead of grinding loot. You can’t insert Crests to increase the amount of loot gained — which doesn’t matter for us, because we’re after levels.
- Accept all the Bounties from the Bounty Board and complete them. This will also have the added effect of collecting Monster Essence. You can take 8 Bounties per week.
- While hunting Bounties in the Shassar Sea, join Hidden Lair dungeons as they appear randomly. Defeat rare or legendary boss enemies that appear in the overworld while exploring.
Remember, you can instantly join Hidden Lairs by tapping the underlined Hidden Lair message that appears in the chat box. Very easy.
Don’t forget to check your Codex! Tap the book icon to the left of the bell icon on the left side of your HUD — if a red diamond is marked here, you can claim rewards. There are lots of rewards to claim as you play, so grab all of them ASAP and check the codex often for any other activities. You’ll unlock more activities at Level 30, including the Challenge Rifts.