New information suggests that Apex Legends Mobile will be ready to launch globally very soon indeed. As reported by Exputer, sources have confirmed to the publication that the mobile version of the massively popular shooter game will be ready to launch on May 17th.
Alongside the news of a release date, the sources have also added that we should expect an official announcement to come out on the launch of Apex Legends Mobile at some point this week.
Also mentioned in the report is the fact that the game will be getting its very own, unique to mobile Legend when the game launches. The exclusive Legend is called Fade, and is also known as the “Phasing Punisher”, and has Void-themed abilities. He’s also described as being a human-type character, who wears a face mask and red and silver armour. Exactly what the new hero will look like, players will just have to wait and see on launch day.
Fade’s passive ability is “Slipstream” and enables a short movement boost at the end of a slide. Fade’s tactical ability is “Flash Back”, which sends him back to where he was from the Void. Finally, the new Legend’s ultimate ability is the “Phase Chamber”, which allows him to release a phase cage which will send all Legends within range into the Void.
Some of the things already known about Apex Legends Mobile are that it will feature nine existing Legends in the form of Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Caustic, Lifeline, Bangalore, Mirage, Pathfinder, Octane and Wraith. In addition, there will be mobile-only game modes as well as ranked gameplay for players to dive into.
Apex Legends Mobile already launched in limited regions earlier this year and it seems as though the time has finally come for the game to release to the rest of the world. Whether or not the game will translate as successfully to mobile audiences as it has to console and PC, we’ll just have to wait and find out.