Elden Ring PVP can be a nightmare hellscape of wiki-approved cheese builds and OP glitches — but it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right items, you can easily overcome even the sweatiest INT builds and even have some fun along the way. These are the items you’ll want to find to really mix-up and surprise invaders (and invadees) in Elden Ring PVP.
Not all of these items are going to be useful for every build, and you won’t find any glitchy, overpowered tricks here. These are all totally legit strategies that can also be incredibly evil, devious, and designed exactly how the developers at From Software probably envisioned open-world PVP. You can play tricks with mimics, turn enemies to fight for your side, become totally invincible against magic attacks, and go wild as Metal Mario. No summons required here. You can be honorable and evil at the same time with these ridiculously weird items.
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Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear
Location: Found on the Mountaintop of the Giants. Starting from the Foot of the Forge site of grace, go down the lower path, beneath the bridge to the Fire Giant arena. You’ll be ambushed by a giant hand enemy. Continue on this path to the ledge (east) and circle around. You’ll find the Bubbletear near more hands.
The Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear is basically required for PVP. This is a Crimson Tear that can be mixed into your Flask of Wondrous Physick. Drinking it causes all damage (except physical) to heal you instead of damaging you. Basically, you can use this to counter any magic PVP invaders and easily defeat them. It stays active for about 15 seconds. Sprint toward your target while they’re flinging magic and you can easily destroy them almost every time.
Bewitching Branch
Location: Can be crafted with the Fevor’s Cookbook. Rewarded by Gideon Ofnir after visiting the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.
This hilarious weapon can even the odds against invaders and their summons. By spending FP, this item can turn regular enemies into temporary allies. Lure invaders (or players you’ve invaded) into areas teeming with enemies, then use a Bewitching Branch to get them on your side. Perfect for distraction or just being a big annoying problem.
Mohg’s Great Rune
Location: Defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood in the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.
Not really an item, but an optional permanent upgrade. Mohg’s Great Rune is seemingly useless. All it does it make your summons and allies more powerful — and that includes temporary monster allies. Seeing as we have to travel to the Mausoleum just to acquire the Fevor’s Cookbook, might as well defeat Mohg, get his rune, and enjoy the benefits it has on creatures turned with the Bewitching Branch.
Fan Daggers
Location: Sold by Patches. Follow his quest, and you’ll eventually find Patches at Scenic Isle (Liurnia of the Lakes) and Volcano Manor. He sells an infinite supply of Fan Daggers. After Volcano Manor, he’ll travel to Shaded Castle, and then finally back to his original spot in Murkwater Cave.
Fan Daggers are a thrown weapon that hits everything in a wide arc. The weapon causes a moment of stagger and is great for creating room between you and your target. Throw these daggers to interrupt, or to give yourself time to use your Wondrous Physick. One of the better thrown consumables — by really any thrown consumable is worthwhile in PVP just for harassing players.
Pulley Crossbow
Location: Found at the Craftman’s Shack site of grace, south of Mt. Gelmir.
A rapid-fire crossbow. Each trigger pull launches three projectiles — and you can dual-wield them for maximum effect. Launch a barrage of deadly bolts at your opponent. They really won’t see this coming. Especially if you combine your crossbows with a very special type of bolt.
Sleepbone Bolts
Location: Can be crafted after obtaining Fevor’s Cookbook. Can be purchased from the Isolated Merchant on the east path inside Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Add Sleepbone Bolts to your rapid-fire crossbows, and you become a truly terrifying opponent. Sleepbone causes Sleep build-up, eventually putting your opponent to sleep and making them completely defenseless. Using these bolts is vile, cruel, and hilarious.
Erdtree Greatshield
Location: Dropped by the Tree Sentinel Duo boss near the Outer Wall Phantom Tree site of grace in Altus Plateau.
The shield with the highest protection in the game is also a powerful weapon. The Erdtree Greatshield by default has the Golden Retaliation skill — like Carian Retaliation, this skill absorbs magic damage then launches a projectile back at the source, dealing high damage. The Erdtree Greatshield is another incredibly powerful tool for melee builds to fight magic-users.
Ironjar Aromatic
Location: Found in the Auriza Side Tomb, north of Leyndell and near the Auriza Hero’s Grave tomb. Reach the cliffs north of the Leyndell city walls and travel to the east-most reaches to find this tomb.
The Ironjar Aromatic is a consumable that turns your character into an unstoppable steel demon. While you’re turned to steel, you move slower and have a high vulnerability to electricity, but it isn’t very likely you’ll be fighting someone that’s totally prepared for the Ironjar Aromatic. With incredibly high poise, nothing can interrupt your attacks. If you want to enjoy the Metal Mario lifestyle, this is the consumable you’ll want.
Mimic’s Veil
Location: Located in the locked Stonesword Key door armory near the Grafted Scion arena in Stormveil Castle.
The Mimic’s Veil costs FP to transform into a random environment object. If you’re being chased by an invader, this item is ridiculously powerful. Unless they’re attacking every object in the environment, you can literally hide (almost) forever. Keep moving, restore your FP and use the Mimic Veil when the invader is nearby. Also perfect for ambushes. And it isn’t the only mimic item that will help you ambush.
Grace Mimic
Location: Sold by Patches in Murkwater Cave. Purchase the Missionary’s Cookbook to craft.
Place the Grace Mimic to generate a fake Site of Grace. Experienced players will see right through this ruse, but everybody else — especially players exploring a new location — are very likely to be fooled. Plant down the site of grace and wait for Tarnished to take the bait, giving you an easy target. This is one of many devious items you can use just for fun in PVP and using every tool at your disposal makes Elden Ring online an unforgettable experience.
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