Flying Pokemon are a much bigger problem in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. You don’t encounter and catch Pokemon through random battles in this game — you have to actually encounter them in the wild, and when you’re trying to catch flying Pokemon, they’re really flying. Reaching them in the sky isn’t easy, even after you’ve acquiring the flying mount. To reach those far-off Pokemon, you’ll need to use a specialized Pokemon.
In a huge change from every other game in the series, Pokeballs now have unique properties when thrown. The Heavy Ball is slow and can barely be thrown far, while the Feather Ball flies incredibly far. Using the Feather Ball making catching flying Pokemon possible — and if they’re captured, you’ll even be able to send them out with the same bullet-like speed. Below we’ll explain the basics of catching flying Pokemon and where to find some of the common Pokemon to test this strategy.
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How To Catch Flying Pokemon
Flying Pokemon are usually too high up in the sky and too far away to use normal Pokeballs. To catch them, you’ll need to acquire the new Feather Balls.
- Feather Pokeballs: Can be acquired from vendors and crafted. Feather Balls travel extremely fast across long-range and are ideal for catching flying Pokemon like Gyarados. The ball moves so fast, that you don’t need to compensate for speed or travel distance. Simply target the Pokemon in the sky and throw with your cursor over the target.
- Feather Pokeballs are ineffective if you throw at a Pokemon from too close. You need to use Feather Pokeballs are long range, or they’ll bounce right off your target Pokemon and won’t even attempt to catch it.
There are multiple flying Pokemon you can grab with the Feather Ball. Here’s a quick rundown of three we wanted to get ASAP. Having a Feather Ball makes catching flying Pokemon so much easier. Progress in the story and you’ll eventually unlock these handy tools.
- Gyarados: Found in Obsidian Falls or Lake Verity (Obsidian Fieldlands). You can also find high level Magikarp in the Obsidian Falls area that will evolve just after catching them. Easy!
- Togetic: Found in Tranquility Cove (Cobalt Coastlands) or in Cottonsedge Prairie (Crimson Mirelands).
- Starraptor: Found in Nature’s Pantry (Obsidian Fieldlands).
Feather Balls don’t just make catching easier. When deploying a Pokemon that’s been caught with a Feather Ball, you’ll still throw the ball very far and fast. Keep that in mind if you’re trying to initiate a Pokemon Battle. You can also use Feather Balls to “snipe” Pokemon from far away. Tough Alpha Pokemon can be captured from a high hill where none of the bad guys can get you.
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