The White House has teamed up with eSports personalities to encourage Americans to get covered by an affordable health plan before the enrollment deadline on February 2015.
In a newly released video on the White House blog, the ESL, and GEER have collaborated with a bevy of pro-gamers to announce their support for Obama’s affordable healthcare plan, encouraging US citizens to get covered and insured.
The blog states that over 31 million eSports fans reside in the United States alone.
“We’re excited to work with eSports and other high-profile members of the video game industry to remind people there are only a few days left to sign up for health insurance coverage. We encourage folks to beat the crowd by visiting the website today and to sign up for quality, affordable health insurance through by February 15,” stated Kevin Counihan, CEO of Center for Consumer and Information and Insurance Oversight, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
You can enroll at
Check out the video below.