Disease has afflicted mankind for much of its history here on Earth, killing huge swaths of the population with plagues like the Bubonic Plague and the Black Death during the middle ages, and more recently with the Spanish flu and smallpox. Even more recently, SARS and the H1N1 virus have made news headlines and spiked fears that humanity could see a return to darker times—events which have prompted the media to create all manner of entertainment centered around these fears.
Germs have been a vector for much of civilization’s march through less industrialized parts of the world, by killing or debilitating the inhabitants of these places and their ability to fight back.
In this article, we take a look at 10 of the deadliest plagues that have ravaged virtual worlds, much as the Black Death tore through ours.
In particular, you'll want to read about the Corrupted Blood Incident, which inspired several real-world studies from scientists. Read on to find out about the worst plagues in gaming history.