SCEA CEO and president Shawn Layden spoke frankly about the difficulties surrounding Driveclub. He defends Evolution Studios, stating that it ran into issues that simply could not have been foreseen during development.
First, Shawn lauds Evolution Studios for trying something new with their vision of a connected racing game experience. He also alludes to the QA and beta process that the game went through. However, Shawn mentions that the beta testing did not prepare Sony for waves of 50,000, 100,000, and then 200,000 concurrent users logging into the service.
Shawn claims he gets daily updates from Evolution Studios, and progress is slow but it is moving forward. Overall, he lauds them for their effort and prefer that his people have the ambition to try something like this.
On their latest update on the official Driveclub Facebook page, Evolution revealed that server improvements is top priority, with almost all devs working exclusively on these issues. There are also some members of the team who are working on game updates and improvements in other areas. So, more cars, tours and trophies are still coming on the way, and they are also adding replays, dynamic weather, and other new features. They are also adding improvements suggested to them from fans.
How is your Driveclub playing experience today? Are you still attempting to get online, focusing on single player, or are you waiting for Evolution to fix everything first? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.