Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid and the upcoming The Witness, has posted a development update for his new game with various details and numbers on what the game is set to contain.
According to Blow, here is a list of data sizes included in the Witness:
- Texture Maps: 1,196 files, 446MB
- Meshes: 4,588 files, 507MB
- Sounds: 2,435 files, 1.2GB
- Animations: 197 files, 0.6MB
- Entities: 1 file, 4.3MB
- Lightmaps (these are auto-generated): 17,916 files, 453MB
- Total (including other files not listed here): 39,387 files, 2.7GB
The exploration-puzzle game is set to run at 1080p with 60fps on the PlayStation 4—at least that’s the goal Blow is aiming for. Given how the game looks (e.g. it’s not “realistic”), it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch to think that he’ll be able to meet his goal.
“We’re planning to render at 1080p and 60 frames per second,” said Blow. “Right now we meet this target in many areas of the game, but not everywhere. But with more old-fashioned hard work, we should be.”
The Witness will be out on both PC and PS4, with plans for an iOS version shortly thereafter.