The folks at Spiders Studio, best known for the role-playing game Mars War Logs, have put together a new trailer for Bound by Flame, showing off footage of the game on the PlayStation 4.
Playing on the PS4, the new trailer shines a spotlight on the game’s combat. According to Producer Walid Miled, the trailer is made up of 100% gameplay footage with no “bullshots” whatsoever. There are no special effects or cutscenes to trick viewers into thinking the game is something other than what it actually is.
The trailer covers all of the combat mechanics and fighting styles available in Bound by Flame, with a sample of possibilities offered in combat, including stealth, crossbow, fireballs, dual-wielding daggers, two-handed axe, and hammer.
According to the developer, Bound by Flame lets you switch instantly between two stances (Fighter with heavy weapons, Ranger with dual wield daggers) and use with either stance with some destructive pyromancer powers, allowing you to adapt on the fly to the enemies you’re facing.
Check it out below.