YouTube isn't letting up on its stringent content ID claims, despite continued pushback from its community. These new copyright sweeps have caused a multitude of previously monetized videos to be taken down, but an email sent out by the YouTube team doesn’t mention a change of heart. Instead, it just gives a few tips on how to not get your videos taken down.
Here’s a portion of the email’s text, provided by Kotaku.
“If you're creating videos with content from other people, remember that rights ownership can be complicated and different owners have different policies,” the email reads. “Be aware of music. Many games allow you to turn off background music, while leaving sound effects enabled. And if you're looking for music you can freely use (and monetize!), check out our Audio Library.
“Whether gaming, music or comedy is your passion, know that we love what you do. We've worked hard to design Content ID and other tools to give everyone — from individual creators to media companies — the opportunity to make great videos and earn money. As YouTube grows, we want to make sure we're providing the right product features to ensure that everyone continues to thrive.”
Mute your music if it’s not from the Audio Library. Got it. Expect more discussion on this fiery topic in the coming weeks.