People don’t particularly love EA. The fact that the company was called the worst in the U.S. two years in a row is probably a bit extreme, but certain business practices that the major publisher has instituted over the years have rubbed more than a few gamers the wrong way. However, EA doesn’t see itself as the bad guys. In fact, a new post on the EA website indicates that it’s “the best company in the world.”
You read that right. In an FAQ explaining the Code Wars, which is a type of game jam the company is holding with some nice cash prizes, the question was posed, “why is EA doing this?” The answer, of course, is “because we are the best company in the world.”
I doubt too many people feel the same way, but hey, at least providing pizza for people at this game jam is a good first step, right? If you’re at all interested in applying for the Code Wars, follow this link for all the information that you’ll need.