The London boutique of extravagance, Harrods isn’t messing around when it comes to adding a heaping helping of extravagance to your everyday life. The shop isn’t just selling the already expensive black Xbox One to its customers because hey, that would be boring. Instead, anyone who passes through the shop can drop £6000 ($9779) to own a gold-plated, next-generation console. That’s right, a measly $9779, and you’ll be the talk of the town for at least 45 minutes.
I know what you’re thinking. “I can just spray paint my Xbox One gold and everyone will think I’m just as cool!”
That’s where you’re wrong, you silly reader. What makes this hunk of hardware so expensive is the fact that it’s plated with real, 24-carat gold. You could probably use this item as a means of proposal, if your significant other doesn’t mind waiting a couple of years for their gold-plated Kinect.
Is it excessive? It’s absolutely excessive. But if this is the type of console you’ve been searching your entire life for, breathe easy. It’s finally here.
Source: Reddit