Square Enix's latest MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV is headed to the PlayStation 4, the publisher has confirmed. Gamers intent on adventuring in the world of Eorzea won't have long to wait, as the game will first be released in beta form before it hits retail.
The game is expected to launch on the PlayStation 4 in April 2014, with beta trials starting on February 22, 2014. This is the same day that the PS4 launches in Japan, so Japanese gamers can expect to have a much more interesting launch line-up than the rest of us.
Interesatingly, players will be able to transfer their progress from the PS3 version of the game to the PS4, but it'll be a one-way transfer. You won't be able to play the PS3 version of the game once you've made the plunge to play it on the PS4.
We don't know why the game's transfer system works as such, considering that the PS3 version shares servers with the PS4 and PC versions of the game.
Read our very early review of the game here.