Todd Papy, the former director of God of War: Ascension, left Sony Santa Monica Studio last month to move to Germany. The developer has been silent about any new role in the industry since that time, but a hawk-eyed NeoGAF member has discovered via Papy’s Twitter that Crytek is his new home.
What exactly is he working on? That’s yet to be announced, as whatever (likely next-generation) game Papy is developing hasn’t been revealed at this time. His Twitter description reads, “Game Director at Crytek on an unannounced project,” and that’s probably all that we’re going to get from either Papy or Crytek for the next few months.
God of War: Ascension didn’t exactly light the world on fire, and Crytek’s last game, Ryse, wasn’t the blockbuster Microsoft likely hoped for. Hopefully, this combination of talent could be like chocolate and peanut butter, producing the Reese’s cup of video games that will make everyone happy.