The Disaster Report series is a rather unique video game franchise. In this series, players are tasked with the goal of surviving natural disasters. As a result, players will have to decide on what routes to take in order to reach certain areas, avoid any environmental dangers that could potentially end your life along with saving those in need. It’s been a series that got started back on the PlayStation 2 and with its fourth mainline installment finally available in Japan, we’re getting news that the title will find its way over to the Western markets this April.
If you’re not familiar with Disaster Report 4, this game almost didn’t make it out in general. At the time of development back in 2011, the development studio had planned for a release on the PlayStation 3. However, during development, Japan was hit with a massive earthquake and it caused the game to be scrapped along with the entire series.
Years later, the game was picked up once again and finished development for a release on the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch back in 2018. Now the game is leaving Japan and making its way through Western markets thanks to NIS America. In this title, players will be trying to survive an earthquake so you’ll need to think carefully about what choices you make throughout your journey in order to save your protagonist.
Currently, the game is slated to launch on April 7, 2020, for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC platforms. If you haven’t already checked the trailer you, then feel free to watch it in the embedded media player above along with some in-game screenshots down below.