Rockstar has just released Title Update 1.05 for GTA Online, along with a statement about the upcoming stimulus package.
As previously promised, they have fixed the cloud saves bug so that players won’t lose the progress they have made on their cars or car modifications. Along with that, they have fixed GTA so that players won’t lose their progress when there is a cloud outage, and also so that they will keep their cash balances if they run across network issues.
Rockstar has also committed to releasing the stimulus a few days after this Title Update. The stimulus will go out to players gradually in the course of a day. If you don’t see money added into your account immediately, there is no need to panic or call Rockstar, just wait.
As always, Rockstar encourages players to continue to give them feedback, via their email [email protected], their Twitter account @Rockstarsupport, and their support site contact form.
Unfortunately, fans in the comments are still unhappy with the given response. They cite other continuing issues, even after the patch has been applied, and are also generally unhappy with the fact that only three title updates have been sent out in total since the game was initially released.
Perhaps Rockstar should not lose heart, nonetheless, as the game continues to be popular in spite of the bugs. They can also take lessons from Square Enix, who fought through the criticism of Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, and were able to fix the problems and make it all come together. We will have to wait and see if Rockstar, and everyone else, can get their online games right.