The long-awaited arrival of the Marvel Alliance franchise has returned exclusively on the Nintendo Switch and it seems to bring back the feels! However, it seems to not have changed much of the formula either.
The Marvel Alliance franchise is known for its beat em’ style gameplay, and developer Ninja Theory seemed to nail it on the head when it comes to that portion of the game for the newest entry in the series. However, besides the fairly simple gameplay and abundance amount of characters to choose from, The Black Order doesn’t bring anything new to the table.
From looking on through the critic’s review, it seems that the game is indeed fun, but there are times that they hoped there would be more to the game than mindless fighting and Marvel fan service. But this doesn’t mean the game is bad, a matter of fact, the game is doing pretty well for being an exclusive title, at the time of writing it is currently sitting at a 74 Metacritic score!
Down below are some of the most respectable gaming sites in the industry, check out the highlights for their reviews on Nintendo’s latest title — Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: The Black Order
DualShockers 80
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is one of the most cathartic and fan service heavy Marvel games ever.
GameSpot 80
More so than its predecessors, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order excels because of its character diversity and the ways its disparate heroes work together. For this reason alone it’s an ideal co-op game, whether you’re playing with another friend in the same room or with three friends online, but the AI more than holds its own if you’re playing alone, too. It falters in places, but there’s still nothing quite like the Ultimate Alliance series, and this long-awaited third entry makes it a triumphant return for a superhero brawler that feels more relevant than ever.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order isn’t a groundbreaking, narrative-heavy reinterpretation of the comic characters you know and love, but then again neither were the first two games. In that regard, it’s a very faithful sequel that mines the vast roster of characters from the comics while including plenty of nods to the current state of the more modern Marvel Cinematic Universe. While it doesn’t do anything particularly new or outstanding, it embraces the brainless fun of its brawler combat with gusto, and it’s at its absolute best when played with a team of player-controlled supers.
IGN 78
In yet another take on the Infinity Stone saga, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is a fun and irreverent comic book story that pulls from an exceptionally wide pool of Marvel material. Its combat systems are fairly simple, but they were still surprisingly engaging as I excitedly experimented with different hero combinations while my roster of A, B, and C-list characters grew. Its vast array of post-game upgrades and other extras has been uninteresting so far, and there are (unsurprisingly) some inherited camera issues in co-op, but this superhero brawler is still a treat to play alone and with friends alike.
My time with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was filled with peaks and valleys. It has great moments where everything is clicking, followed by lulls where it all falls apart. The story never really gets going, however, but is a fun exploration of all things Marvel. For that, it delivers a little bit of fun, but this experience is all about the character reveals and getting to test them out, even if the worlds they explore and challenges within them often lack excitement.
Kotaku No Score
If an animated rehash of 10 years’ worth of movies and television is the framing needed to get me an action role-playing game as rich, challenging and satisfying as Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, then so be it.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is now available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch! Are you enjoying the latest installment in the franchise? Let us know in the comments below!