When Final Fantasy X and X-2 first released in the West, Square Enix added more content to the earlier released Japanese versions. In order to prepare for the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD which will include all of this Japanese content, Reddit user rhorewyn compiled an illustrated explanation of the differences between the international and North American releases of both Final Fantasy X games.
The Expert Sphere Grid in both releases differs slightly in the skills offered and their layout. Both releases follow similar skill paths but the international version includes a number of new abilities such as Full Break. Final Fantasy X in Japan also included some unique boss enemies and even some changes to monster base statistics.
For Final Fantasy X-2, the list proves more comprehensive. The Creature Capture system allows for Pokémon like capturing of monsters to help you and your party throughout the game. These creatures categorize in three size classes which the party system limits. The party system will only allow a certain number of large, medium or small creatures.
For a fully detailed info graphic of most of the differences, you can view the full resolution image here.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD will release on the PS3 and PS Vita later this year.
Via: Reddit