Diablo 3 made its appearance on the PlayStation 3 just two weeks ago at E3, where it was presented on the show floor at a Sony press event. (Has it really been that long? Why yes, it has!)
Blizzard has since released the footage they showcased over the Interwebs, this time presented by Game Director at Blizzard, Josh Mosquiera, who talks over the video's showcase of both single-player and four-player co-op in action.
Much has changed of the core gameplay in Diablo 3, which sees the addition of an evade move and controls that are native to the PlayStation 3's DualShock 3 controller.
Mosquiera talks about one of the most unique ways of experiencing Diablo 3 on console, and that is same-screen co-op with all four players battling across a single screen. You can check that out in the video below.
The console version of Diablo 3 is expected to come with all of the recent changes and improvements seen in the PC version.