Not everyone was too happy after Microsoft revealed the Xbox One. That fact has been made clear through multiple polls and, well, most of your Twitter feeds. The next-gen Xbox may not be the most popular piece of hardware in the world, but that doesn’t mean that millions of people didn’t tune in to watch the thing get unveiled. On the contrary: 8.45 million viewers had their eyes glued to either Spike TV or their stream of choice on May 21.
The figure comes from the Xbox news wire, which touted the program’s viewership earlier today.
“The Xbox team has been working for years for this big day, with great anticipation for fans’ reaction to our big reveal,” the post reads. “The Xbox Reveal event drove record-breaking viewership – with over 8.45 million people watching the Xbox Reveal event in the first 24 hours, rivaling one of the top-most concurrent streamed events of all time.”
More than 1.73 million people tuned into the show via Spike TV, while the other 6.72 million took to the internet to watch the future unfold. As you’d guess, this led to a fair share of Tweets related to the Xbox One.
“The Xbox Reveal event also drove tremendous social buzz,” the post continues. “According to Twitter, the event was the #1 non-sports social program across all TV networks and the second most social show on television on May 21, just slightly behind the NBA Playoffs.”
What service did you take advantage of to witness the Xbox One?