As noted just earlier today, the PlayStation Vita is not doing so hot in Japan. Unfortunately, this seems to be case across the board. The system has not lit the gaming world on fire in North America either, for example.
And it would appear that the Vita is in need of help in France as well, which would explain the ad above. Or is it an example of the sorry state of print advertising when it comes to video games as whole? Maybe both?
But yes, that's an actual ad running in French periodicals. One which first made its appearance online via Twitter yesterday morning, and which has been spreading like wild fire. For those who don't understand, it equates Sony's handheld, with its front touchscreen and rear touchpad, to a woman with a pair of breasts, both in the front and in the back. As someone (or something) that’s far more enjoyable to touch. Or something along those lines.
One might be inclined to believe that Sony is positively desperate with their sales approach, which might be true, but it's still far less offensive than some of their previous advertising initiatives. Like when promoting the new all white PSP a few years back, they thought it would be a good idea to have a picture of a white woman grabbing a black woman by the face and neck. That too was fairly stupid.