The newly released patch for Fallout 4, which brings the game up to version 1.6, comes with a bit of hidden content in addition to bug fixes. The patch also adds an exit save, so you don’t accidentally lose all your progress while quitting the game.
Players whose names were previously left unsaid by Codsworth might notice the robot butler actually calling them by their character’s name, as 300 new names have been added to his already extensive vocabulary. Codsworth calls players by their chosen name, but his vocabulary of names used to be limited and those with less common names would not hear them called.
Bethesda has not shared what the new naming additions are, but players have already extracted them. Among the names listed are Game of Thrones-related character names like Joffrey, Brienne, Ned and Arya, as well as Breaking Bad names like Walter and Heisenberg. Cena’s also in there. ????
Check them out below: Abby Adalyn Ali Alicia Ally Amaria Amber Amir Ann Anne Annie Apollo Aquarius Ares Aries Arnie Arnold Artemis Arya Aurora Aziz Barb Barbara Bart Bartholomew Beatrice Beatrix Becky Bernie Bernstein Beth Bethany Betsy Betty Biff Bishop Bo Bond Boris Bort Brad Brandon Brendan Bria Brianna Brienne Buki Burton Butch Caitlin Cancer Candace Candy Capricorn Cara Caragan Carl Carla Carlo Carlos Carly Carol Carrie Celt Celtic Celty Cena Cenk Chad Che Cheryl Childs Christa Chrysta Chrystal Chuck Chun Chunk Cincaid Cindy Cisco Cliff Clifford Clint Cody Colleen Coronet Creed Crown Crowne Crystal D Dale Dallas Damian Danielle Daphne Davy Dodge Dodger Dora Dorian Drake Dustin Ebony Edie Edrica Elaine Elanor Elektra Elias Ezra Fatima Felicity Fran Frannie Fry Gabrielle Gail Garrett Gemini Gerry Gertie Gertrude Gia Gina Glyn Hal Harley Harmony Harrison Harvey Heisenberg Helen Hellcat Hero Hiro Hope Hugh Hugo Humphrey Hux Ilene Inara Irena Irene Ivan Izaya Izzie Jackie Jackula Jade Jamie Jan Jana Jane Janet Jenette Jenna Jens Jewel Jo Joanna Joanne Jocelyn Jody Joffrey Johnny Joker Josie Joury Kai Kamala Kara Karen Karla Keith Khan Kiddo Kieran Kimberly Kincaid Korben Korozona Kye Kyle Laila Lance Langland Lara Laurie Leeloo Leia Lian Libra Lilith Lindberg Lisa Lister Lois Lori Louisa Lousie Lynn Maddy Malak Malina Marcy Mariam Martha Mathias Mayar Michelle Mika Moira Morticia Morty Nada Naomi Ned Nick Nicola Noel Norma Nour Nova Offutt Oscar Oswald Paisley Pam Pamela Patsy Peg Peggy Penny Phasma Pisces Poe Quill Rachel Rahima Ramon Ramona Randolph Randy Raven Rebecca Reische Rhianna Rhiannon Rhonda Rick Robbie Robin Rosalie Roselliny Rosetta Rosie Roxie Sabeel Sabrina Sagittarius Sal Salinee Sally Salma Sandman Sandy Scorpio Scorpion Scout Seamus Sean Serenity Shana Sheila Shelly Sherlock Simon Song Sonja Starbuck Talia Tanya Tara Taurus Tegan Tex Tina Tiny Trish Trisha Troy Val Valerie Vanessa Vasquez Vega Vero Veronica Veronique Victor Vin Vincent Vinny Vionca Vionica Virgil Virgo Viv Vivi Vlad Vladimir Walter Watney Wendy Wigglesworth Willow Windy Winifred Winnie Zach
The patch is available to download via Steam for PC gamers. The PS4 and Xbox One versions will be out soon.