Ultimate MvC3 Receives Multiple gamescom Trailers
Capcom's released multiple trailers for Ultimate MvC3.
Capcom's released multiple trailers for Ultimate MvC3.
EA has announced the FIFA 12 retail disk will contain FIFA Ultimate Team.
EA's started a new series of videos of Mass Effect 3 entitled Squad Leader.
Microsoft has released a gameplay trailer for Gears of War 3.
PlayStation Move support for Ninja Gaiden 3 has been announced.
EA has released the first gameplay of Battlefield 3's jets.
EA Sports has released the debut trailer for FIFA Street.
EA's confirmed the European release date for Mass Effect 3.
Bioware and EA have just announced new free-to-play title called Wrath of Heroes, which takes place in the Warhammer franchise.
EA has announced that their EA Sports branch are currently developing FIFA Street 4.
Capcom's released the gamescom trailer for one of Kinect's 'hardcore' games.
EA Sports has announced the release date for the demo of FIFA 12.
EA Sports has released the gamescom trailer for FIFA 12.
Capcom's released the gamescom trailer for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.
Capcom's released the gamescom trailer for Asura’s Wrath.
Capcom's released the gamescom trailer for Devil May Cry.
Ubisoft's released a multiplayer sneak peek video for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent has sold over 400,000 copies on the PC.
A lengthy gameplay video for Hard Reset has been unveiled.
Microsoft's confirmed that all slim models for the Xbox 360 will soon feature a matte black finish.
Gearbox Software has said the mission scope for Borderlands 2 will be three times bigger than its predecessor.
Heavy Iron Studios are not big fans of Sony's PS Vita.
Borderlands 2 teaser trailer shows new environments and Salvador dual wielding MGs.