The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has not even launched yet and already we’re getting a slight tease of what the next adventure for Link may hold. A recent interview between Eiji Anomua, a producer behind The Legend of Zelda series, and Game Informer reveals that the next main installment of the series may be going back to the old 2D roots.
This interview got into the details regarding the different development teams that work on The Legend of Zelda franchise. There are apparently two teams that work on the video games, one which focuses on the console installments while another partakes in the handheld division. According to Eiji Anomua, both teams have different views on their video games and rather combining them for projects on the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo has opted to keep them separate in order to see what each can bring to the console.
“The 3DS team and the Wii U team have different approaches to game development, so I don’t necessarily want to combine them and have them think together, but rather have each think about what they can bring to Nintendo Switch from their own perspective.”
Later on within the interview, it was revealed that the handheld development teams will not be phased out due to the portability of their home console. Instead, they will continue work with the Nintendo 3DS and likely whatever their next standalone handheld release will be.
When asked directly if the 3DS Zelda development team is working on a new video game for the Nintendo Switch the producer stated that it is definitely a possibility.
While we’re not given direct answers, it seems that we very well may have a 2D The Legend of Zelda game coming to the Nintendo Switch sometime in the future. However, it will likely be awhile before we’ll get any type of an announcement for the game.
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