During a Kadokawa Games event, Grasshopper Manufacture CEO Goichi Suda, or more commonly known as Suda 51, has announced that they have now shipped 700,000 units of Lollipop Chainsaw — thus making it their most successful game to date.
Before Lollipop Chainsaw, Grasshopper Manufacture paired up with meget-publisher EA to release the commercially disappointing Shadows of the Damned. Prior to that, they developed the critical darling No More Heroes.
I think a congratulations are in order for Grasshopper, no? Hopefully, their next game titled Killer is Dead fares even better still.
Do you think Lollipop Chainsaw can reach a million sales before the year's out? Did the game sell mostly because of it's gameplay or due to its "other" assets?
Thanks, Siliconera