In case you haven't been keeping up to date with the development of Hitman: Absolution, the game is set to offer a Contracts mode which allows players to create contracts—or challenges to kill specific targets based on a wide range of parameters and victory conditions.
The developers at IO Interactive have just said that contracts created by players can't be transferable across platforms e.g. players on the PS3 won't be able to share their contracts with those on the 360, and vice versa. The reason they're unable to do this is because of the inherent politics between cross-platform compatibility.
Fortunately, IO Interactive has figured out a sort of workaround which allows players to share their creations through Contract IDs, which provide players across the community with blueprints for the scenario.
Here's how it works according to Joystiq:
"The way to do that will be for the community to decode the file numbers of contracts after the game's launch. Contract IDs begin with a two-digit number, determining their platform (currently 03- PC, 05- Xbox, 07- PS3), with the following set of digits expressing rules of the scenario."