Airtight Games has put out a new DLC for the mind-bending Quantum Conundrum. The new DLC takes players on a new adventure in an unexplored wing of Quadwrangle Manor with Desmond, the drinking bird.
The Desmond Debacle is the first of two announced DLCs for Quantum Conundrum. The other, titled IKE-aramba!, is set for release on August 28 on Steam.
The Desmond Debacle is only available on Steam for now. It will be available on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in a couple of weeks. Likewise, the console version of IKE-aramba! will only come out on September 12.
Both add-ons are priced at $2.99 on the PC and PS3, and 240 Points on the Xbox 360.
Pick it up on Steam here.